Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I’ve been feeling very low lately. I was supposed to release a blog with a different topic but my mind is somewhere else… My nephew, Johann, is in the hospital suffering from dengue fever. L  He’s the first one in my immediate family to have that illness and our whole family is so worried.
Aedes mosquito.. The culprit! 
When I first learned about it, I admit that I somewhat complained to God. My mom had just finished with her ulcers and one week of sleepless nights to go with that and here we are again, with another member of the family – hospitalized. Parang walang katapusan (It’s like there’s no end to this). L  When will it end, Lord?

Then again, I was reminded of God’s LOVE and I sought forgiveness for my complaining attitude. God is sovereign and is in control of all things. He loves us so much that He will not allow anything to hurt us. But that doesn’t mean we are exempt from PAIN. Pain, sometimes, is a good thing. Pain makes us grow. Pain makes us dependent on God alone and not on our strength.

As our family waits for Johann’s condition to improve, we hold on to the Lord’s promise (as reminded to us by my eldest sister, Ate Peachy):

“You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power 
among the peoples.” Psalm 77:14

Please continue to pray with us. Thanks so much, friends. J


Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease which occurs in tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. Symptoms usually occur four to 10 days after a person is bitten by the mosquito. Common signs of dengue fever are:

            Fever (up to 41 degrees Celsius)
            Muscle, bone and joint pain
            Pain behind the eyes

Other symptoms are:

            Widespread rashes
            Nausea and vomiting
            Minor bleeding from the gums or nose
Do everything to prevent dengue especially during the rainy season!!
PREVENTION: Here are some tips to avoid being bitten by the infected mosquito..

  1. Stay in air-conditioned or well-screened houses. Keep mosquitoes out at night.
  2. Reschedule outdoor activities. Try not to be outdoors at dawn, dusk or early evening when more of these insects are out.
  3. Wear protective clothing. Wear long-sleeves, long pants, socks and shoes when going to mosquito-infested places.
  4. Use mosquito repellent.
  5. Reduce mosquito habitat. Infected mosquitoes usually live in and around houses, breeding in stagnant water that can collect (ex. tires).
Photo Credit: Image1 – (Muhammad Mahdi Karim)
                      Image2 –  

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