Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ingrown Toenail

It was time for a pedicure.

Pedicure time!
As I sat there in the salon, with both my legs placed on top of a small chair, I had a nice chat with the mani-pedicurist about life and yes, about my toenails. It turned out that my nailpolish had been on my toes for a long time already that it had created white unpleasant marks on my nails. Eeeep! I got quite worried but Ate Susan immediately calmed me and reassured me that the problem could be easily fixed – which she did in no time. Thank God, she’s good in her craft!

As she worked on my right foot, I learned that she lives in Padilla, Cogeo (Philippines) together with her children and mother-in-law. She’s a single mother and has (guess how many kids?) NINE kids!! And the clincher was that she raised all of them all by herself, being separated from her husband who had never offered to give financial help. Amazing! I was appalled by how a mother like her did it. She revealed that when they were still in Bicol many years back, she would sell fish and would still offer manicure services on the side. That’s how she did it. Plain hardwork. Now, three of her children are already working and all of her children had gone to school.

Nailpolish galore! Lotsa cool colors to choose from. 
Suddenly, “Ouchhh!!!” It turned out that she had successfully removed an ingrown toenail on my right foot. It was my FIRST EVER ingrown! Can you believe it?! She showed me the toenail and I looked in awe at how big and hard it was! So, that’s what an ingrown looks like! Haha! (Sorry for being an ignoramus!)

I must admit that the ingrown toenail was painful but thinking about the trials that Ate Susan went through as a mother, I was brought back to my senses and realized how MINISCULE that pain was. Indeed, other people have bigger problems. I should be thankful that God gives me enough strength and inspiration to overcome my daily battles. J

In 15 more minutes, the pedicure session was over and though I could still feel the pain in my foot, I left the salon with a smile, metallic-blue toenails and memories of my FIRST EVER INGROWN TOENAIL which goes with Ate Susan’s ever-memorable life-story. J

Till my next pedicure session! J

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” 
James 1:2 

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Blue... One of my favorite colors
Metallic blue to match silver sandals
LEARN how to prevent ingrown nails. Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingrown_nail#Prevention


  1. Perspective really does wonders on how we see our circumstances. :-) Where did you get your nails done? Nice!!

    1. I agree, dear.. :) Oh, there's this salon inside our village where I usually have my nails done. Nice noh? Hehehe. I'm a lover of blue but I want to try other colors next time. What colors do you like for your nails? :)
