Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I Need a Makeover!

When I was younger and was still working in the corporate world, I put heavy make-up everyday. This was because it was required at work and it was important to represent my company well and to look pleasant for my boss, clients and colleagues. When I got sick, I have to admit that I lost interest in putting make-up. Maybe because of low self-esteem…? I would always say that I got “tired” of putting make-up but perhaps there was a deeper reason for that. Maybe it was because I became insecure. Honestly, I felt ugly as a person with bipolar disorder. L

Now that I’ve become comfortable revealing to the world about my condition, my insecurity has somewhat lessened. Amazingly, blogging has done wonders to my person and now, I’m trying to get my groove back. J

This time, I prefer light day-to-day make-up that will not make me look old. Haha! Trying to hide my age, huh? Now, my niece, Pauline Samson, who’s into fashion and the arts, has taught me some lessons on light make-up called the “No Make-up Make-up by Pau.”
Pauline is a 3rd year student at SoFA (School of Fashion and the Arts).
She loves making other people look beautiful.

No Make-Up Make-Up by PAU

You can use ANY brand of makeup that you prefer.
For this session, we used these items.

1. Put BB cream all over your face and neck.
2. Put pressed powder to minimize the oiliness of your face (not too much, though!) and to achieve that natural “dewy” look.
3. For the eyes, use the color “Toasted” all over your eyelids and then the color “Simog” on the outer corners of your eyelids. To brighten up the eyes and to make it look bigger, put the color “Virgin” onto your tearducts. (The colors are based on the “Naked” palette).
4. Place the cream blush onto your cheeks. This magic cream will make your cheeks look naturally pink.
5. Place lipstick onto your lips. Choose a light and natural color.
6. Curl your lashes and put mascara.

That’s it!
Step by step... This is how you do it! 
Hairdo: Just gather all of your hair at the upper back of your head and twist it to make a “messy bun.” Use any accessory to make your hair pretty like a ribbon or flower.

This pretty messy bun is making me hungry. Who wants bread? Hehe.
Now, compare the difference… 
Despicable Me vs. Happy Me. Hahaha!
I will not end this blog without going back to the issue of my “insecurity.” I have come to realize that it hurts God when we are insecure. It’s because that reveals we are not secure in His eternal love. We are His masterpiece, created in His image. I hope that as I come to know Him and walk with Him more, I will never ever feel unconfident, insignificant, ugly and anxious again. I hope that YOU will never ever feel that way, too. J 
Taddah! There you go. Simply sweet.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, 
I know that full well.”  Psalm 139:14


  1. Love this blog Ate Dana! More, more! :-)

    1. Glad you liked it, Trees! I will tell my niece, Pauline. Ahihihi. I will try my best to come up with better blogs. :)
