Monday, July 15, 2013

French Toast

As I wrote in my previous blog entitled “My Baby Bird,” mom was sick for a week and was given antibiotics (Co-Amoxiclav* 500mg/125mg). But thank God, she is better now! On top of the Omeprazole* she was prescribed to take, she also took Ranitidine*(150 mg) last night which helped ease the pain in her tummy. Our whole family is just so relieved right now that she was able to sleep soundly last night without cringing in pain. God is indeed good.

I miss my mom – the strong, active and fun-loving mom that I spend most of my time with. I miss our bonding moments -- going to the mall to just walk around and window shop. (Yes, we don’t buy too much stuff when we go out. Hehe). We do this often because my mom who is diabetic needs regular exercise. I miss lounging in a café with her as I work on my blog while she enjoys Belgian Waffle or her very favorite French Toast and then sleeps in the café couch afterward. 
Mom eating her all-time fave -- French Toast!
(Pictures taken around three weeks ago before mom got sick)
A Toast to our health, wellness, peace and joy!
Focused on blogging in the cafe.. 
My mom’s sickness made me realize that life is really unpredictable and very short. And it really cannot be denied that my parents who are both in their 70s are old already. In reality, they don’t have that much time to live in this world. And so, all the more I felt that I have to make the most out of my time with them, to say “I love you” as often as I can, to appreciate them whenever there is an opportunity and to take care of them if I can. True enough, time flies.
Mom with a faraway look... 
Belgian waffle and coffee.. Perfect match. 
If your parents are still alive, I encourage you to do this. Maybe you’re not in good terms with one or both of your parents. I understand that they may have their own misgivings. But nobody is perfect anyway. We, too, are flawed in many ways. I always remember this verse from Scripture:

“ ‘Honor your father and mother’ --  which is the first commandment with a promise – ‘that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.’ ”
Ephesians 6:2-3

I believe there is blessing to be received when we become a blessing to our parents. But more than the thought of just “receiving,” I think the focus should really be on “giving back” first -- to God and second -- to our parents. Without them, we will not have life. It still goes back to LOVE.

I love you, Mom. You're the best 'best friend' in the world!
*Some useful information:
Co-Amoxiclav is an antibiotic that kills bacteria that cause infections. It is composed of two types of medicines namely amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor that is used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric and duodenum ulceration and gastritis.

Ranitidine inhibits stomach acid production. It is commonly used to treat peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

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Happy to be blogging again with Snow (my laptop) after a 1-week break.
Photo taken by my official photographer -- who else but my beloved Mom! 

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