Tuesday, June 25, 2013


One thing that’s very important in a person’s life is REST.

You know, since the launch of “Memoirs of a Polar Bear,” I have been so blessed by the feedback I have received from all of you readers. The past week has been great! In fact, it has been wonderfully CRAZY! Hehe. And amazingly, in just one week, the blog has already approximately1000 pageviews! Something that I have never imagined would happen! I owe it all to you, my friends and readers. Most especially, I give back the praise to God. He’s the miracle-maker. J

But, I will have to be honest with you. The excitement and frenzy has gotten me bit tired. (A sign of old age? Haha). Or maybe my body, which has been at rest for many months now due to unemployment, is just shocked because I’m back at work again. Haha. And so I told myself that I will have to pace myself. You see, one thing that bipolars should avoid is STRESS. Take note of this information from a book that I’m reading…

“Many scientists believe that stress can trigger bipolar episodes and may contribute to the onset of the disorder. Sleep disruption resulting from stress is one factor. You may be able to link your first bipolar episode to some stress event in your life (p.24).”

“Although the underlying foundation for bipolar disorder must have been present, some people report that their episodes began when they were under great stress. These stressful events are the same ones known to threaten the health of people who don’t have bipolar disorder. They include childbirth, divorce or breakup of a relationship loss of a job, death of a loved one and serious financial difficulties (p.63).”

-  Dean A. Haycock, PhD, “The Everything Health
Guide to Adult Bipolar Disorder," 2nd edition

And so yesterday, my mom and I went out and chillaxed in a café (don’t worry, I did not order coffee). And yes, I took a catnap. 

Catnap in the cafe.. Shhhh...

Mommeh enjoying her drink in her corner

Also, today, I spent time with my brother’s family because my brother would be leaving again for abroad. Mom cooked chicken-pork adobo* and pinakbet.** We just laughed and had fun as we shared stories about life. 

Mom's special chicken-pork adobo

Mom's ever famous pinakbet. The best in the world! Hehe.

*Adobo - Meat or seafood marinated in a sauce of vinegar and garlic, browned in oil and simmered in the marinade
**Pinakbet - An indigenous Filipino dish from the northern regions of the Philippines; made from mixed vegetables steamed in fish or shrimp sauce
(Source: Wikipedia)

Now if you’re stressed and tired, I hope you’ll find the time to really rest. You need it. And you will not regret the benefits that you and your family will gain from it. J

Spending quality and quantity time with family is a good way to unwind!
(L-R) Ate Peachy, Daddy, Mommy, me, Kuya Dennis, Ate Mimi
In picture frame (hehe) - Ate Ela (based in CA, USA)

Till my next blog. I'll just pause to recover now. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

*Follow me on Twitter @polarbeardana

*Find me at Facebook and let’s be friends!

*Please feel free to COMMENT HERE. But you would have to be logged on to Google. If you don’t have a Google account, please just send me a message at Facebook (Dana Alimorong). I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU.. J

 “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat –
for He grants sleep to those He loves.”  Psalm 127:2