Friday, September 26, 2014

75 Candles

My dearest Daddy,

Today is your 75th birthday. I praise God for giving you all these years...

Make a wish and blow the candles, Dad!
Photo Credit: GMVozd,
Thank you for the many things you taught us, your children. Thank you for sharing with us the importance of service and love for country. Thank you for the many piles of newspapers with your comments and suggestions at home -- they remind me of our responsibility towards nation and society. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of addressing the needs of the poor. Thank you for modeling to us simplicity and courage.

Daddy during his Plebe Year at the Philippine Military Academy
Thank you for your sense of humor and for making me laugh. J Thank you for planting trees in the backyard -- the shade keeps us cool during summer and we have some fruits to enjoy at harvest time. The oxygen keeps pollution away, too. Thank you for loving my baby Blue even if you're not much of a pet-lover. Thank you for letting Blue hug you even if you really don't like it that much (hehehe). J Thank you for loving without asking for anything in return. Thank you for bearing with my weaknesses. Thank you so much for loving mom and our whole family. We are not a perfect family but you try your best to make it as perfect as it can be. Anyway, we are all imperfect people living in an imperfect world.

You may have been disappointed in life several times. You may have experienced that life is unfair sometimes. But you still wake up early every morning to press on and bravely face the future because your hope is in the Lord. Dad, one day, all of life's pain and troubles will fade away because you will be at home with God for all eternity.

There are many outstanding, remarkable, intelligent and successful men in this world. And I salute them for their accomplishments. But for me, you are the best of them all. You may not be Dr. Jose Rizal (although there's some resemblance hehe) or President Abraham Lincoln (although you're as noble as him) but you are a hero for me. You're my hero (next to God, of course).

"Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life."
Proverbs 16:31
Today, I light 75 special candles for you. May your light continue to shine in this dark world.

You know very well that I love you. But I will never tire of saying it again (and again). I love you very much, Daddy. And God loves you a gazillion times more! Infinitely more than the human mind can imagine.

Happy birthday! The best is yet to come for you.

Much love,

<3 <3 <3

“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Proverbs 90:12

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