Sunday, August 24, 2014


And… I’m… BACK! J

You might be wondering whatever happened to me! I mean, my last blog was ONE YEAR AGO. Hello! Earth to Dana.. Well many things DID happen! After my last blog, I developed back pains again (huhuhu) which prevented me from blogging the whole day. Because of this, I became “idle” again and ended up wasting my time watching TV. That was quite depressing because it was like my life was going nowhere. L

Until, Jesus saved me again!


As you all (might) know, I was praying for work last February 2013. I NEEDED to do something about my finances because at my age, I didn’t want to burden my parents with my personal expenses. Then, I wanted to financially support them, too, even if they are not putting any pressure on me regarding this matter. Plus, I felt that it’s not yet time to touch my savings. I tried blogging but it didn’t turn out to be income-generating for me. Perhaps it was not God’s will.

So, I prayed to the Lord about it and shared the burden with my D-Group (discipleship or Bible study group) leader from church. Two weeks later, I got a very wonderful surprise!! My dear D-Group leader, Ma’am Ovel (Mama Bear) offered me a job in her father’s company, the VG Gatdula Construction, Inc. Yipee-dee! J 

What touched my heart so much was their compassion for a bipolar like me. They knew about my condition yet they were willing to give me a chance to work. That’s why I felt I really needed to blog about this so as to acknowledge their goodness to me. To our Big Boss, Mr. Victor Gatdula, thank you po for your kindness and understanding. To Sir Art and Ma’am Ovel Alvarez, may God bless your big hearts. You don’t know how much of a blessing you all have been to me! I pray that I will really be able to serve well as to the Lord and that He will bless and sustain the company and the lives/families it supports. J

So what do I do now?! Well, I’m a construction worker enjoying much of mixing sand and gravel. Hehe. Joke. J  My boss assigned to me accounting work and a bit of human resources. It’s just so funny because even if I’m still having problems with numbers, the Lord always brings me back to numbers. Hehe. I think the Lord has a cute sense of humor. And yes, I believe He also wants to train my brain with numbers. J

But most importantly, I thank the Lord for the open door. Once again, He answered my prayer. And I’m also very happy that I’m given the chance to tithe again and give back to Him the offering that He deserves as an expression of my love and thanksgiving. J 


Well, unfortunately, I experienced two minor episodes this year – January and June. But the office was kind enough to allow me sick leaves then come back to work upon recovery. Again and as usual, I was given Risperidone 2mg which was later on removed once I was stabilized on both occasions. Now, in addition to Depakote 500mg (mood stabilizer), I’m taking nutritional supplements - multivitamins and fish oil concentrate (with EPA and DHA which are needed by the brain) and these have been doing wonders in my head. I know the Lord has a reason why these episodes happen. Maybe He’s teaching me to get up and get up again whenever I fall thereby making me stronger everytime. What’s important is that I also take care of myself and never lose hope. Let me share with you these verses from the Bible which have been strengthening me.. J

The Armor of God

Finally, be STRONG in the LORD and in His MIGHTY POWER. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of TRUTH buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of FAITH with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of SALVATION and the SWORD of the Spirit which is the WORD OF GOD. And PRAY in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."  Ephesians 6:10-18


And oh, I will not fail to mention another sweet gift that the Lord gave me this year. He gave me a doggie – a Japanese spitz – and I named him after one of my favorite colors, “Blue.” J  Blue is such a blessing. He’s my therapy after a long day at work and after going through heavy traffic. Research says that having pets is a good form of therapy for people with mental condition. I can vouch for that. J

One day last week, I didn’t sleep at home, rather, I stayed in my sister’s house. Thus, it was the first time for Blue not to see me coming home to play with him. I learned the day after that he waited and waited and waited for me. L Mom said he wouldn’t sleep and was still awake at 12:00 midnight! (He normally sleeps at 8pm). My heart broke when I learned about it. My poor baby Blue. Huhuhu. L  I just tried my best to make it up to him when I arrived. I was so touched at how the Lord made me feel loved, even just through a pet which I already consider as family. It was my firsthand experience of how dogs can be so loyal. I remember the story of this old man who had a dog as a best friend. Everyday, the dog will wait at the train station for his master. Until one day, the man died but the dog waited and waited for his master at the train station. As far as I can remember, I think the dog died on the same spot where he was waiting. I'm not sure if this is a true story but it's a wonderful example of how beautiful God’s creation is. 

Me and my sweet baby. I love you so much, Blue! <3

Another year has been added to our church, the Christ’s Commission Fellowship (CCF). We are 30 years old! Truly, God has been faithful in “Changing Lives for Eternity.” J I just praise Him for allowing me to be part of this church family where I can grow in my relationship with the Lord and in my understanding of the Bible, God's Word. Praise God for the many wonderful people He has brought into my life (on top of my loving biological family ofcourse) -- my DGroup leader, Ma’am Ovel, and the rest of my ate’s and tita’s in the group who have supported me all the way; my Pretty Pixie ladies whom the Lord has given me to mentor; our Pastors who have dedicated their lives to make  Christ-committed followers who will also make Christ-committed followers ... and my dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, whom I know are keeping me in their prayers. Thank you, thank you to the skies! I love you all! I pray I will be able to give back to you your kindness to me. <3

My Pretty Pixie Ladies (DGroup)
(L-R): Orphelle, Carla, Abbie and Venok
Not in picture: Geva
My DGroup (CATS) composed of these lovely women.
Front Row (L-R): Tita Marisa, Tita Beth, Ate Diosell, Ma'am Ovel, Tita Jane, Dra. Dea, Ma'am Yoly, Ma'am Jenny
Top Row (L-R): Dra. Rolyn, Ate Monet and myself
Not in picture: Ate Joy, Ate Chriss and Ate Marivic
It’s amazing how Jesus transforms people from all walks of life; lost and broken people like us -- making us whole forever. His LOVE keeps us together. And as we continue to walk through this life, despite the storms, may we always trust in Jesus, the lover of our souls. Happy 30th Anniversary, CCF! 

The greatest day in history
Death is beaten, You have rescued me
Sing it out, Jesus is alive
The empty cross, the empty grave
Life eternal, You have won the day
Shout it out, Jesus is alive...
He's ALIVE! 

When I stand in that place
Free at last, meeting face to face
I am Yours, Jesus You are mine
Endless joy, perfect peace
Earthly pain finally will cease
Celebrate, Jesus is alive...

Oh, what a glorious day
What a glorious way
That You have saved me
And oh, what a glorious day
What a glorious Name -- JESUS!

Oh, happy day, happy day!
You washed my sin away
Oh, happy day, happy day!
I'll NEVER be the same

-- "Oh, Happy Day" by Jesus Culture

We love You, Lord Jesus. You're the best -- yesterday, today and forever! 

<3 <3 <3

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