Sunday, September 14, 2014

Something Fishy

Who among you like fish? J

Ever since I got sick, I became a "bigger" fan of fish not because of anything else but because I had NO CHOICE. Haha. You see, fish contains components which are essential for brain development – OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS. However, storing enough amounts of fish and cooking it correctly can sometimes be a hassle especially with a busy lifestyle. And eating fish EVERYDAY for EVERY MEAL can get quite pricey since fish is lighter on the tummy as compared to beef, pork or chicken. That’s why I’ve opted to get my Omega-3 from fish oil nutritional supplement. J

Lotsa lotsa jumping fish!
Photo Credit: Caroline Purser,

Mental Health & Aging

There are three (3) types of Omega-3 fatty acids namely ALA (or alpha-Linolenic acid found in plant oils), EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexainoic acid), both commonly found in marine oils. Omega-3 is found in high concentrations in brain cells and its deficiency causes mental “fogginess” and loss of concentration.

Research says that there is evidence that Omega-3 is beneficial to mental health including the treatment of depression associated with bipolar disorder. The supplementation of EPA is also helpful in depression. Studies also suggest that it can lower risk of dementia. (Wikipedia)

According to Patrick Holford’s  New Optimum Nutrition for the Mind, Omega-3 fatty acids are already being studied for their ability to stabilize mood. Dr. Andrew Stoll and his colleagues at the Harvard Medical School have discovered that it is extremely helpful for those with manic depression also. Dr. Stoll quotes a mother of a lady with bipolar disorder now taking fish oil,

            “It has been seven days with no antidepressant. I never believed this could be
possible – it is definitely a record for my daughter. She has not been off antidepressants for that many days in six years, in fact, going off for one day before fish oil led to immediate suicidal ideation with her screaming for me to kill her… For the first time in her entire life she is relaxed and her memory and cognitive abilities have returned – I cannot tell you how fortunate we feel.” (Dr. Andrew Stoll, The Omega-3 Connection)


I myself have experienced the benefits of fish oil (on top of multivitamins, of course). J  There was a week when I really could not sleep and was afraid I would have an episode again. But once I popped my fish oil supplement the morning after, I was able to function well at work despite the lack of sleep. J  Before, my brain functioned quite “okay” but now, whenever I take fish oil, I would experience a big improvement in memory, concentration and mental sharpness. Amazing, indeed!!

There are many fish oils available in the market but the supplement I’m taking is Biomega by USANA Health Sciences. I like Biomega because it provides advanced, concentrated and guaranteed levels of EPA and DHA, which are important for memory and learning.  I also like this supplement because it is highly potent and is essentially free of harmful contaminants like lead or mercury because of its “double distillation” process. Also, the product is science-based, has been researched for years and is pharmaceutical in quality. It also has an additional dose of vitamin D, a nutrient found deficient in the average diet. Plus, it is formulated with LEMON oil to kill the fishy aftertaste. Yum! J

By the way, there are many other benefits of fish oil namely improved cellular function, immune, joint and cardiovascular health.

Biomega by USANA Health Sciences

So friends, I encourage you to be healthy and boost your body and brain functions. Cast your net now and feast on fantastic FISH! J 

“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good HEALTH
just as your SOUL prospers.”
3 John 1:2


Holford, Patrick., New Optimum Nutrition for the Mind, 2009, p.266
Smith, Patricia et al., Christian Family Guide to Total Health, 2003, p.83  

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