Monday, July 1, 2013

The Doctor I Should've Been

*This entry is part of my journal written April 2013

As I waited outside the operating room while my mom’s cataract was being removed, I found myself wishing I had just become a doctor. You see, my mom had always wanted me to be one and I, too, was already in pursuit of a medical degree many many years ago. In fact, I took up BS Psychology as a pre-medical course because I wanted to cure my father who also suffered from a psychiatric condition during his adult years. His compatriots would always tease him as having “war-shock” (because he was a military man) but my dad would jokingly say now that he “shocked the war.” Hehe. Anyway, it was really for my father that I dreamed of becoming a doctor.

Only reminds me of my frustrated career in medicine... Sniff sniff..
Our home blood pressure monitor... 
Truth was, after college graduation, I already passed the NMAT (National Medical Admission Test). Unfortunately, I was not accepted in the school where I wanted to study medicine. Pride took a hold of me so that I totally abandoned the plan even if I passed the entrance exam in another school. L  Sigh. Ayan tuloy. That’s what happens when we become proud. Haha. Sorry to me.

Nursing students studying in the mall...
Kristine (rightmost) plans to pursue medicine after graduation.
(L-R) John Bacero, Johanna Ramos, Kristine Soriano
So there I was in the hospital, looking after my mom, seeing doctors left and right, all cleanly clad in their white coats and uniforms. I was insecure. I was envious. 

But, later on I thought, “If I was bound to be bipolar, would it have been better if I went to medical school? Would I have had the capacity to go through the stresses of med school and the medical practice itself?” I took a long pause and said to myself, “Maybe not.” Sleep deprivation itself, which is basic in the daily lives of medical students and practitioners is a no-no for polar bears like me. That lifestyle would have aggravated my condition.

Slowly, I saw the wisdom of God. What I regretted as a wrong decision (not pursuing medicine out of pride) turned out to be the best path for me. Now, I am not a doctor but a patient. But, I’m a patient who had been graciously blessed by God. 

I’m not a doctor but a patient who would want to help people through my writing. I’m not a doctor but a patient who would love to heal others while I myself am being healed. J

With God, there are NO SHATTERED DREAMS. J

My version of being a white-clad doctor.. My tools? White shades
white floral top and my white laptop named "Snow" (not in picture). Hehe.
Me putting eye medicines on mom daily
I'm now my mom's private nurse. Hehe.
Mommeh's eye medicines.. Lots of them.. Eeeep!
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I'm a both a PATIENT and a DOCTOR (in my own little way).


  1. Hope mommy's doing well...mas magaling ata ang nurse niya ^_^ hee hee
    Si lola ko waiting pa have to stabilize the pressure of her eyes..bago daw mag-surgery..

    1. Yes, mommy is doing better now. Tomorrow is her last eye check-up although she will have maintenance meds ata for eye pressure to prevent glaucoma.. Pls send my hugs to lola.. Hope everything will stabilize on her part.. Take care :)

  2. So true Ate Dana! Not everyone may be a doctor but all of us can be healers. :-) Thank God that His ways prevail!

    1. Oh, that's very beautifully said, Trees. Thank God indeed. :)

  3. Thanks for this Ate Dana! :)

    1. Glad you appreciated the message, dear. No shattered dreams. :)
